The situation in Mexico has serious consequences for our Rights, and even our lives here in AZ and all along the Mexican border. We cannot emphasize enough how much it is in our interest to have a free, safe and prosperous Mexico as our neighbor. Many of us have family, friends there and they are our neighbor.

We strongly support the Human Rights of the Mexican people to be able to defend themselves. That means the Mexican people should once again have the rights and resources to possess, bear and use modern and effective firearms. As over 70 years of corrupt federal government and it's attending gun control have shown, the bumper sticker is so true. "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". Mexico is a textbook example of the failures of gun control. While some very limited firearms are permitted on paper, and in practice, the real effect has been to disarm the good people of Mexico.
That was done by the very corrupt political party that ran a country rich in natural resources and people, into the ground to prevent a revolution, not to "control crime" as was the pretense.

As the archived reports will show, the defenseless people of Mexico have suffered way too much. They deserve much better. We need to help.

Given the gravity of the ongoing drug war in Mexico our neighbor to the south, ASR&PA has been working to monitor the border situation and it's many effects on our state and our members:

Including drug and human trafficking, with related issues of murders, kidnappings, home invasions, extortion, destruction of wildlife habitat, illegal immigration, white slavery, money laundering, expenses of incarceration and medical treatments, the list goes on and on. Also de facto cession of areas of the state to the DTO's; fugitives, cash, firearms and ammunition running south. Most of these issues could be significantly reduced by simply securing the border.

To get it out of the way, ASR&PA does support legal immigration, trade, and travel between our countries. Especially so that we and our Mexican neighbors can once again freely and safely travel to our neighboring countries for competition, training, hunting and just enjoy good company.

Monday, December 12, 2011


azmex   10 apr 09

Note:  This could be a serious problem, especially the part where U.S. production would be limited
Also, they keep repeating the "90%"  big lie

Busca Davidow ratificar convención sobre armas

En Miami se encuentra una fábrica importante de municiones de armas. Foto: AFP
Organización Editorial Mexicana
10 de abril de 2009


Washington, D.C - El Gobierno estadunidense piensa pedirle al Congreso que ratifique una convención interamericana firmada en 1997 que regula la venta y tráfico de armas ligeras, informó el consejero presidencial Jeffrey Davidow.

La Convención Interamericana contra la fabricación y el tráfico ilícito de armas de fuego, municiones, explosivos y otros materiales (CIFTA) es uno de esos tratados que Estados Unidos ha firmado y nunca ratificado, explicó Davidow, consejero especial para la Cumbre de las Américas, durante un debate en un centro académico en Washington.

Creo que hay muchas posibilidades de que sea sometido para ratificación (ante el Congreso) en un futuro muy corto, añadió.

El tráfico de armas ligeras estadunidenses es uno de los grandes temas de preocupación para las autoridades mexicanas, dentro de su lucha contra los cárteles del narcotráfico.

El 90% de las armas que México decomisa en sus operaciones contra el crimen organizado provienen de Estados Unidos, según datos oficiales.

La idea de una convención que limite la producción y exportación de armas y explosivos en América, al estilo del tratado internacional contra las minas personales, fue propuesta precisamente por México en 1996.

La Convención fue elaborada al año siguiente, en el seno de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), y desde 1997 ha sido firmada por 33 países, pero sólo ratificada por 19.

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