The situation in Mexico has serious consequences for our Rights, and even our lives here in AZ and all along the Mexican border. We cannot emphasize enough how much it is in our interest to have a free, safe and prosperous Mexico as our neighbor. Many of us have family, friends there and they are our neighbor.

We strongly support the Human Rights of the Mexican people to be able to defend themselves. That means the Mexican people should once again have the rights and resources to possess, bear and use modern and effective firearms. As over 70 years of corrupt federal government and it's attending gun control have shown, the bumper sticker is so true. "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". Mexico is a textbook example of the failures of gun control. While some very limited firearms are permitted on paper, and in practice, the real effect has been to disarm the good people of Mexico.
That was done by the very corrupt political party that ran a country rich in natural resources and people, into the ground to prevent a revolution, not to "control crime" as was the pretense.

As the archived reports will show, the defenseless people of Mexico have suffered way too much. They deserve much better. We need to help.

Given the gravity of the ongoing drug war in Mexico our neighbor to the south, ASR&PA has been working to monitor the border situation and it's many effects on our state and our members:

Including drug and human trafficking, with related issues of murders, kidnappings, home invasions, extortion, destruction of wildlife habitat, illegal immigration, white slavery, money laundering, expenses of incarceration and medical treatments, the list goes on and on. Also de facto cession of areas of the state to the DTO's; fugitives, cash, firearms and ammunition running south. Most of these issues could be significantly reduced by simply securing the border.

To get it out of the way, ASR&PA does support legal immigration, trade, and travel between our countries. Especially so that we and our Mexican neighbors can once again freely and safely travel to our neighboring countries for competition, training, hunting and just enjoy good company.

Monday, November 21, 2011

AZMEX Cd. Mexico, DF buyback 1-3-09

Aumenta canje de armas en la capital
Personal de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional y autoridades del Distrito Federal han recolectado 631 armas de fuego.

El titular de la SSP capitalina. Foto: Octavio Hoyos
Personal de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional y autoridades del Distrito Federal han recolectado 631 armas de fuego —incluidas cinco granadas— como parte del programa de canje por despensas o dinero en efectivo, lo que representa 71.2 por ciento del total recabado el año pasado.

Por estas piezas se ha pagado 2 millones 30 mil 400 pesos y otorgado 564 despensas.

Las autoridades reiteraron su compromiso de que el canje se realice de forma voluntaria y sin iniciar alguna indagatoria sobre el origen del arma o la persona que la entregue.

Entre el armamento recibido esta semana destaca un mortero lanzagranadas, un rifle con mira telescópica, una ametralladora Uzzi y un rifle AK-47. Por las piezas de alto poder los ciudadanos reciben hasta 7 mil 400 pesos.

La SSP del Distrito Federal informó que en 2008 se recibieron 885 armas e indicó que el proyecto Vive sin Armas, Canje por Dinero 2009 ha tenido una alta participación ciudadana.

De las 252 armas recolectadas el viernes pasado, 215 son cortas, 30 largas, dos de municiones, cinco granadas y 386 cartuchos útiles de distintos calibres. Por éstas se entregaron 787 mil 900 pesos y 232 despensas.

En total, la SSP capitalina ha recibido en esta primera fase 631 piezas: 512 cortas, 94 largas, dos de municiones, ocho donaciones, 15 granadas y mil 766 cartuchos útiles de diferentes calibres.

Los puntos de recepción fueron la glorieta del Metro Insurgentes y la explanada de la delegación Cuauhtémoc. Este año se instalarán módulos itinerantes en las delegaciones políticas y otros sitios que serán anunciados previamente.

Además del efectivo y las despensas, las autoridades entregarán también computadoras.

México/Ignacio Alzag

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